Thursday, September 24, 2009

florence hotel rooms reservation

6:35 a.m.�11:35 p.m.; to the airport every 30 minutes 6 a.m.� It can be difficult to hail a taxi on the street in the center ofRome. Instead, go to a taxi stand; there�s one at most majorsights, including Piazza di Spagna, Piazza San Pietro, near thePantheon in Piazza delle Cinque Lune, and near theColosseum at Piazza Venezia by Via dei Fori Imperiali. To havea cab pick you up at a specific address, call one of Rome�sradio-taxi cooperatives (Radiotaxi 3570, 011-39/06-3570; Enjoy Rome 011-39/06-482-0911, from the U.S. 888/467-1986, Sleep Easter week and the weekends around May 1(Italian Labor Day) and Dec. 8 (Feast of theImmaculate Conception) are booked solid several monthsto a year in advance. Also, some hoteliers are loatheyear-round to accept reservations for only one night.

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